A Dog's Dinner

By G

A man in a titfor*

I wish I could carry off wearing an old floppy hat. Some men can and some men can't. I can't.

I would feel too self-conscience, too worried that it blew away, or that it would be seen as a pretentious badge of creativity. No not for me the sculptured form of a felt fedora.

My pal can and does.

Oh to be a gangster or tango dancer who needs to protect the top of their head in such a glorious fashion

I'm more of a tweed bunnet wearer. Comfy, warm but a bit smelly when wet like a friendly dog.

On another note entirely, I got the first negatives back from the Widelux camera and they're looking rather good including the man with the full face tattoo!

Bet he could get away with a fedora.

*titfor- tit for tat- hat.

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