The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters


Yesterday it was the dust in the corner. Today I am displaying the shortcomings of our home once again to satisfy today’s subject in DDW’s January Challenge, Cracked.

This is neither the most imaginative nor the most photogenic image, but it is certainly applicable to the subject as both these skylight windows in our kitchen are indeed cracked. In fact they were cracked when we moved into this house in 2001 and had been on the list of things to be sorted. Isn’t it amazing though how you become blind to things and they just disappear into the background? These skylights fall into that category, except when it is really wet outside (and sometimes some of that rain can get inside, or when it is very cold outside and condensation builds up inside and then starts dripping down.

The reason therefore that we have never replaced the glass is because we want to do the job properly and it has just never pipped other things on the priority list at a time when we have the funds to do anything about it. Maybe this year!

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