Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon

Disney on Ice

Today was busy, busy, busy. A's class took a field trip to an apple orchard, and I went along as one of the parent chaperones. We got to take a hay ride into the orchard, sample apples and cider, and tour the packing plant. There was also a hay maze and each kid got to pick a small pumpkin. I had a pretty challenging kid among my group of five, so I was worn out by the experience - but A was really happy to have me along, so that made it worthwhile.

After school the kids had swim lessons, and then tonight was the much-anticipated Disney on Ice! Disney on Ice was a tradition for me as a child - my Dad took me every year from perhaps age 4-9, and it was a special date for just the two of us. I don't have a lot of specific memories of the shows (I do have a few), but I definitely remember the air of excitement and how special it felt to look forward to this tradition. Carrying on the tradition, we've taken our kids to Disney on Ice a couple of times before, but it hasn't been every year - it used to be a bigger effort when we lived far from a big city, and it certainly wasn't possible the year we lived abroad.

This year, though, the stars aligned and we were thrilled that rather than featuring one Disney movie as is typical, this year the show had a "Worlds of Fantasy" theme, incorporating Tinkerbell, the Little Mermaid, the Lion King, and Cars - something for both of the little people in our life! It was a great night - the kids wore their mouse ears from Disneyland, and we all enjoyed the show. The set design and special effects were impressive even from an adult standpoint, and of course the familiar Disney songs were fun to sing along with.

A few of my favorite moments:
Seeing E's glow when Lightning McQueen and Mater zoomed onto the ice.

Hearing both kids sing along with "Life is a Highway."

Seeing my husband try on the foam fairy-petal hat that came with our cotton candy.

Hearing A ask, "Mom, is she lip-synching?" as the Little Mermaid sang her way through a complicated series of spins and flips.

Exchanging a knowing smile with A when the little 3-4 year old girl behind us was yelling to Ariel, "Don't trust Ursula, Ariel! Don't go with her! She's just trying to trick you!!"

Seeing true wonder in the kids' eyes when the whole ceiling erupted in confetti at the grand finale, and watching their excitement as they caught some of it.

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