
By KatPrice

This is what the end of an essay looks like

IT'S DONE!!! It's handed in! It's over! So, so happy. That essay had been the bane of my life for the last month, and this evening was time to chill. Rob's house, my flat and Jen descended on our kitchen while I put out a spread of cheese boards that have been sitting in my fridge waiting for this moment for weeks, freshly baked carrot cupcakes and port. It was a great night, such a lovely way to celebrate freedom. And it could not have been more middle-class. I guess the title of this should really be 'This is what the end of an essay looks like when you hit fourth year...' Why get smashed when you can enjoy the wonders of cheese and cake, and remember it the next day and have no repercussions?! Apart from maybe the odd cheese hangover and needing the gym...

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