Don't Stand in my Light

By JacquiJay

Red Kite

Red Kites in the Chilterns

The birds of prey with wide spanned wings,
In all their glory so distinct,
Were common back in Tudor times,
Until the laws made them extinct.
Against a cloth of open sky,
They rise above and scale the heights,
With elegance and ease they coast,
Then soar and glide in perfect flight.
Their bodies have a rufous hue,
Wing covets also, upper tail.
Those tips of wings are shown quite black,
When through the air they smoothly sail.
In England now for all to see,
Will Shakespeare knew them in his day,
Said, "London is all kites and crows"
And now they're back, I hope they'll stay.

Cassie58 (This is the only attribution I can find for this lovely poem. Please let me know if you are the author so I can give full credit)

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