Lali's World

By Lali

A bicycle

I know, not very creative or original, but I didn't have much time for photos today either. It's been a long day, and it's not finished yet...

I started my day with a painful visit to the dentist which involved the extraction of one of my back teeth. The Aenesthetic left me a bit dizzy afterwards, so I had to sit down for a bit before I headed off to work. As a result, I was a bit late for work, but I had a good reason. The dentist's instructions was to take it easy, so I didn't do anything requiring extra physical effort. I can eat only on one side and I can't drink Alcohol or hot drinks. I should be back to normal soon.

Feeling really tired... On top of everything, when I got home, I saw had an e-mail asking me to fix a few things in the translation I've been doing. I have to do it by tomorrow before 10.00am, and I just wanted to relax... never mind!

As a result, this evening I won't have much time for catching up with you... I'll try in the next few days.

Thanks very much for your lovely comments and stars yesterday. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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