Into the night

My Fridays have fallen into a somewhat ridiculous routine, like they often do in the short days. When the office goes quiet by 4pm something switches in my head and I am at my most productive as the sun sets on the week. Then I look up and see the night blue sky and streetlights filtering through tree branches and feel exposed in the office. The far end sits in quiet darkness unless I walk to the printer and the lights follow me there like an invisible presence watching for me.

Then hunger hits in and I wrap up in my coat, go down the three floors of an almost empty building and step out back into the cool air and leaf covered tarmac. The car fogs up inside and I head up the road to the retail park to do my food shop. I carry my pocket of isolation with me through the aisles.

In a way, it has become my winding down time. I review my week in the last few hours before leaving work, set my vision for the week ahead and then take my final excursion of the week to cut off from work and ready myself for a weekend of me time. A little routine for making sense of the world.

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