
By Purplepants

The sky above Morrison's car park

I saw this sky above our heads as I drove to the supermarket with Alex after school today at about 4pm. I was desperate to get in the car park and blip it! I swear it changed in the few minutes I took to screech into a parking place. Then I didn't have my camera - hooray for iPhones!
When we came out of the shop with nothing exciting that cost a lot anyway it was already dark so I was pleased I saw it.

Alex's parent's evening. Everybody said really good things about him and wanted him to do their subject for GCSE except the food tech teacher... I had to laugh because he does like cooking but the H & S palaver that goes on in the lessons + the analysis is enough to put anyone off! He wasn't planning on doing it after this year, strangely enough!
I seem to think very similar things were said to my parents once upon a time...

I know I have not looked at anyone else's' blips for days, or replied to people - apologies - I will Friday - it's my day off! Yay!

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