the Hoods.

Kind of a SP. Blip catched while walking to the bus stop in crispy morning air, -20c.

So cold in the morning around our hoods, but wery warm and comfortable under my hood ;)

I had this quite a light discussion with teens in the morning - as the weather here really calls for some respect now - and teens would like to wear only jeans plus sports underwear and Adidas shoes with wool socks (and fortunately a good warm jacket filled with feathers)!
But after a short, powerful & caring discussion they both finally took warm outdoor trousers with them. One even wore those and another took trousers to the backback. Just in case. If the bus brokes in cold air it is better to have warm clothes - or keep walking.

'The winds of Siberia' and mothers teache here in Finland to keep yourself warm.

Thanks for your funny comments yesterday, and for the stars too, blippers!


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