My Best Efforts - Year 3


Still no news .....

....... from the hospital - grrrrrrrrrr.

Anni aka BikerBear here reporting for Alma.

Went up to Lincoln today to see Mum - bearing gifts of two lovely Danish pastries with apricot filling .... mmmmmmm. THEY didn't last long!

No word from the doctors about the results of the CT scan and no examinations or anything more has happened. It is so frustrating for both of us - I feel so powerless!

Mum got a bit upset today as she's wondering if she will ever get the feeling/use back in her leg, if not, that means she will have to get rid of her car - that would be her independence gone .... also it means that walking will be almost impossible - I can see she is hurting deeply at that thought.

She's also upset that we will probably not be able to go, as planned, to Oregon in June ..... it's not just the immobility but the fact that it will be virtually impossible to get her travel insurance amended without a huge hike in price - probably cost more than the flight!! She would not travel without it, of course.

It hurts me to see her like this when I can do nothing about it - we are both practical people and we both tend to "look ahead" which isn't always a good thing.

We both decided that the one consolation is that she doesn't actually feel "ill" .... she's able to get out of bed and sit in the chair - sometimes by the window - she has a great view over the fields - and she has a private room (for now) .... so it's not all bad!

Sorry to be a bit gloomy today ..... but thank you all so much for the comments and wishes you are sending her way (and mine) .... thank you, thank you.

As always, last year's journal entry for 23 January re-taken from my computer screen for today.

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