
By Orthodox

Three (times) trees / I so love teaching

I so love teaching!

It's been an extremely full week (and not over yet) with lots of classes to teach and little time to sleep. During a training involving some of our colleagues I volounteered to cover for some of them adding 7 more teaching hours per week to my usual 23. Add travelling from one location to another and various teacher training sessions (an 8 hours one comming up tomorrow) to the usual lesson planning for all of this and you will get a picture of how much sleep I have got lately.
Before entering class today at 4 p.m. I was almost ready to fall asleep on the nearest place offering support to my head. 2 hours later after teaching body parts to a bunch of 7 6year olds I was absolutely fresh and full of energy.

I love teaching, I love YLs and I especially love teaching VYLs.

I remember the only refference to YL in my CELTA was something like a big BEWARE sign. I will never forget her face when she said " I prefer working with human beeings". A line from a fancy furniture commercial comes to mind:

"We are all different! Fortunately!"

P.S. The image is not really telling the story ... sorry.

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