Kath's Labyrinth

By kathslabyrinth


Shite photo, but cool story. There was a fire in the park round the back of my house tonight. (There were youths lingering, but then lets not jump to conclusions...) I phoned the fire brigade. There was a lot of smoke!!! I got all flustered and couldn't remember the name of the street next to mine. Anyway, long story short, they came and mostly stood on the fire till it was out. I'm presuming it was a bush, but it was precariously close to someones hoose. The photo is three fireman walking away (you can see their headlamps) and ignoring the youths who were, by this point, hurling abuse at them. I'm just embarrassed about the fact that the emergency services have me on record saying "There's a fire in a park... no I don't know the name of the street". How vague.

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