MeriRand & the NW Passage

By randra

More museums and bioEs

So. One of my friends lab mates said last night that he often goes for waffles and a trip to the art or natural history museums on Saturday (we get free access to the museum with our student ids). Since I had not been in a while, I thought the museum might be a perfect way to spend some time on a Saturday afternoon.

I decided to go for a snowy 2mile jog to get there, and I was pursuing my favorite paintings and getting caught up with the Cenozoic when I ran into one of the bioEs from last night. And I got sucked into a graduate student scavenger hunt through both museums ending in a $2 buffet dinner and 3 newer new friends. I think they are all still wondering why, if I wasn't in the scavenger hunt already, they found me studying plants in the displays of botany hall..

Another day spent in slightly different conditions than originally expected! But here's what I learned in the last 24 hours:

1) you have 2x as many bacteria on your fingertips after you use the restroom than before
2) the first toilet to appear on TV was in the Leave it to Beaver pilot in .. 1967? (That part I don't remember)
3) triceratops and their relatives (ceratopsians) snuck over the Alaska/Russian land bridge too
4) I would LOVE to see the first horses- they were like 2ft tall with hoof toes
5) this Irish Elk probably shed it's ridiculously large antlers every year. Yikes. Also, it's not really an elk.
6) you never know where you will run into people so you should probably shower (or wash your jogging clothes) regularly
7) you never know what adventures await you, so just pretend like you cleaned yourself and you smell awesome and see where the day leads you.
8) always take the opportunity to make new friends. Because it's fun.
9) natural history is the coolest, and art is best viewed when no one can give you judgment-eyes for being sweaty and sleeveless and drinking a bottle of water.

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