
By powerplanter


A look at the gasturbine of unit EC 4, from the overhead crane at about 15 meters up.
Right below a man is climbing out of the powerturbine, the other one came just out of a burnerhole....
The yellow plates cover up the holes where normally the burners are situated.
The burners will be replaced by new ones.
See also this one.

At the upper side: the compressor, driven by the powerturbine. The compressor supplies the compressed air necessary to burn the gas in the powerturbine.
That's why a gasturbine cannot startup by itself. He has to be brought to a certain speed by a starting device (eg. a dieselengine or electric motor).
At that time the compressor supplies enough air and the fuelgas is ignited by sparkplugs.
At our plant we use the generator as an electric motor to drive the gasturbine up to ignition speed and when the gasturbine is selfsustainable we kind of reverse the polarity so it's a generator again.
I know, it sounds weird but that's the way it is.
Normally we have to wear safety helmets but the two men on this picture were in a position that a helmet is very uncomfortable (inside the machine).As soon as they were out of the machine, the helmets were put on again...

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