Mono Moday # 1

Paladian has presented blippers with the challenge of adding a mono photo to their journals each Monday for the next four weeks.

Playing around with both b&w and sepia is something I like to do, so when Paladian suggested this challenge I thought it a great opportunity to add a scene I found quite by accident. With my camera switched on recently, I put it down on the end of my bed pointing towards the window, and noticed rather an interesting series of lines in the furniture and windows. A future blip, I thought.

So today is the day, my accidental find, in mono.

Quick question for you all ~ I have a huge week of work ahead of me and I don't think I'll have the time (or energy) to reply to comments and visit everyone's journals this the question is, should I keep my comments on, or switch them off? Personally, I don't mind if people don't answer my comments or return my visits when I know they are having a busy week, but what are other blippers thoughts on this?

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