nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Fifty years of x-ray diffraction

One hundred years now, although an extra couple seem to have snuck in somewhere along the way. Found this book in the library after spotting a snippet in last week's Nature.

From Max Von Laue's 'My Development as a Physicist':

These mountains...were often the goals of our excursions...we were not stay-at-homes but cycled through wide stretches of the Rhine plain and beyond...No organisation was needed to get us out of doors, the freedom accorded us by our elders at home and in school was enough. And this freedom was the main attraction of these hikes. What would they have been to us without our independent prior planning, our study of maps and time-tables, estimating our own stamina and, once on the way, the not always easy task if finding our path through the mountains in fog or snow. Our hikes exercised not only our body, but contributed also to our mental maturing.

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