Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB


I had forgotten what great fun it is, driving around the countryside looking for houses for sale! It has been a very interesting day!

Work: My first property is now live on the company website and I have two further definite appointments for new properties. It's been a full day, but I am organised so coping OK. If I am this excited for my first live property in nearly a year, just imagine how exciting my first sale will be!!

Weather: Yesterday we were forecast 10 days of rain, :( and it was very windy and wet overnight. But this morning, no rain, just sunny bright and big fluffy clouds…it certainly didn't look like rain was coming in!

It was so nice we had a cup of tea outside on the terrace after lunch…

Then this afternoon once I was out again, we had rain, from one of those big skies where you can see a curtain of rain approaching, amongst sunshine and grey clouds, and in one village towards the end of the afternoon I drove through puddles of hail. This evening is a bit chillier than it has been recently and I imagine this is part of the cold snap the rest of northern europe is starting to experience.

Blip: yesterday's iris reached the spotlight! How lovely. Thank you for your stars and comments which made that happen!

Today's image is taken on the road home just before I decided to call it a day because it was getting a bit dark and I was nearly home…It was a choice between two really, but this got the vote at home…the other is here

Hope you all had a successful Monday!

I may be a bit lax with comments over the next day or so as I have quite a few bits and bobs to attend to. But I will read your comments and I do appreciate them, and will try to catch up.

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