Alternative Route Sought

As I thought, after all the rain yesterday the river has broken its banks again. I came the alternative way home and will probably use the main road in in the morning.

L rang me on my way home to tell me he had a conditional place at Newport to do documentary photography as you can imagine I cried. Good job no one was around. I am so happy for him. I know it does not guarantee him a place but its really positive and gives him something to work to over the next few months. He has another interview in a week or two at Farnham and applied today for Glasgow. Newport is his first choice.

The postman brought me a wedding invitation to a friends weding, and a man rang me back about coming to my quilt group to talk about how to look after our sewing machines )no charge). This all on top of the girl I was reading for in her mock SATs excelled, so all in all not a bad day!

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