Feral Art.

Found on a gatepost in Abbeyhill.

I am becoming so laid back I am almost comatose. Woke up late, did some housework, did some cooking, went to the pub, had a coffee and a chat, failed to finish the crossword. Came home, made refried beans and a short list of things for tomorrow, and I am now sitting with a glass of wine and a book.

I am still unemployed, in fact I have not even started to look for a job. I am still living on my savings. When I knew the end date of my contract I started stashing loo-paper, and washing powder away in the spare room. I started stock-piling films and books and projects, and noting all the little things round the house that needed 'sorting out'.

In the last month I've only set the alarm once. I've woken naturally in the morning, eaten a leisurely breakfast, decided on that days focus and meandered my way through the days. I've eaten when I was hungry and gone to bed when I was tired.

The persistent niggle in my right hip, which I put down to sitting at a desk for too many hours a day, has gone. My shoulders are more relaxed. I'm eating more fresh home cooked food instead of ready meals, just because I have the time and energy to cook.

Altogether I have slowed down and brightened up.

I know this is only temporary, my savings are limited, the long term still needs to be respected and addressed.

But as a hiatus, a sabbatical, a time of contemplation, this month has been good for my mind, body and spirit.

I cannot express how grateful I am.

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