Day Today

By Feathers14

Re-Solving an Old Problem

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions (if it's important then just start straight away) but I have solved a problem I have, and the solution started on 1st January.

I'm doing a whole year of blips on film. To improve my photography.

Damn New Year's Eve was a great night. We started of at Cap Jaluca's for a delicious buffet dinner, live music, great wine, a dance off (against a 10 year old?) and some spectacular fireworks at midnight. After it was on to Sandy Ground for Elvis', then Pump House and then via a road trip to Bankie's bar where it was help yourself to Rum Cocktails. We met some awesome Canadian guys and got talking to them. Then one of them stitched up his mate and told us he was good at singing.

That was an understatement. He had an incredible operatic singing voice and did a couple of a cappella tunes. Shit me. He was nuts.

The rest of the night/morning/day was spent enjoying drinks, sharing stories and watching the sunrise on the beach. A great way to start the new year for sure.

Kris and I trekked back through Cuisinart in the morning as people were enjoying their breakfast, and then jumped in a cab back home only to crash out. It was a long night.


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