Not just letters home

By haylo53

Felix & Regula

Still in Zurich. It's so pretty here, though the mountains remain tantalisingly out of reach. Today I was back in the city centre and in my travels came across this very odd scene of a headless trio. It's been in my head all day, and this evening I managed to piece together the history thanks to a) my lovely hostess and b) the lovely internet. This is the stuff of the legend of the saints Felix and Regula. Apparently, the two were sentenced to be executed in 268 and fled to Zurich but were apprehended. As you might have gathered from the photo, things did not go well for either of them and they were promptly decapitated - along with the third guy, whose identity remains (at least to me) unclear. After being beheaded, they miraculously rose to their feet, picked up their heads and walked a few paces to the spot where the Grossmünster (one of Zurich's cathedrals) now stands. So there you have it! Legend or not, it certainly gives pause for thought.

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