
By briocarioca

Escadaria Selaron

A lazy, fuzzy blip (the fuzzy is the fault of the nice photographer who made the tile - nice to have someone to blame) to round off another hectic day.

One of those days when however hard you run, you never catch up. Managed gym in the morning - so far so good. Then had to cancel a doctor's appointment, as MRI results weren't ready - just as well, as had our visitor to look after. Arrived punctually with HH for our 11.20 appointment with the opthalmologist, but an hour later, HH (who was the one who really needed to see her) had to bail and race off to sign papers on the other side of town. I thought I'd better stay. Called in after waiting for about 1 1/2 hours - what a waste of time, if satisfying to be told that my vision was 20-20 and no need to change my computer glasses.

Then it was my turn to chase off to a different part of town - lunch-less, like HH - to record four sentences for some 'elf and safety DVD, and in an American accent, at that. Think Boston meets Texas meets Deep South, with the odd jarring British vowel or consonant. Then raced back to get half of my physio session. At home, I found visitor had returned with her friend, though they trundled off to the Sugar Loaf later on. Not before I had rashly said I'd do dinner for us all.

Dinner takes longer to cook when you forget to take the fish fillets out of the freezer - and boy! do they let out a lot of water as they defreeze. Still, we sat down to eat at around 9.30 p.m....

And no potential blips to choose from. Luckily, my friend suggested blipping the tile we got for her on Tuesday at the Selaron Steps - phew.

Meantime, HH had left his iPhone in a taxi and the driver failed to return calls from his dispatcher. It only occurred to me that we had to block the phone at 1 am, so by the time I had done that, I was wide awake. Ugh.

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