Thwarted ≥2ice.

Thwarted the first time on the way home.
On Thursday of next week I'm required to have in my possession a dressing gown and pair of slippers. The former I never wear and the latter aren't fit to be seen in public (A supplier let Santa down). Ergo ...Trip to Carlisle for various other purchases + said items.
On route home there was a truly magnificent Sunset display of really golden crepuscularity which I couldn't shoot @ 70m.p.h. By the time we reached Southwaite services it was behind an inconvenient heap/wood and by the time we reached J41 it had gonewent.

The second thwart was practically guaranteed on account of
1. Location ...and...
2. It was prophesied.
We were told, recently, that there would be a "Supermoon" tonight.
The latter fact alone is entirely sufficient to guarantee 10/10 cloud cover over Penrith - at least until midnight.
I think I may have mentioned, somewhere, that the merest hint of ANY astronomical phenomenon is enough to ensure complete cloud cover of the area.
Just in case, and nothing having caught my eye, I fell back on the newest Clivia (kanei). My own from seed. Nice enough, big - tending towards huge, but a wee bit shy in numbers. Three flowers to the only stem to be exact. I wonder if a spot of "Tomorite©" would do the trick next time around.
("Other strange preparations to encourage flowering are available" as they say)
The little pointyshooty claims a macro position amongst it's settings, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

NO foci were stacked in the manufacture of this presentation.

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