For a scampateer like Stanley it's great having a baby in the house

* Lots of socks, bibs, flannels, muslins, tights etc etc to steal and run round the house with
* Someone new to lick....yes not ideal but a reality when you have spaniels!
* Someone else to blame for the smelly trumps
* Minnie gives him an excuse to go to bed early as he likes to keep her company not in her cot I hasten to add!!

Lovely day despite the dreary weather - I walked home from Baby Rhythm in the rain. We then went to Sainsbury's and I put the freezer pots for the puréed I'm making for Minnie's weaning. Also bought her bells and rattles as she loves noisy things!

Home to the snug. She's now had a bath and is in bed - she seems to be sleeping through again as long as I haven't jinxed it. I'm cooking pasta with garlic chilli with a load of veg in a creamy wine Sauce.

Happy Friday x x

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