Egret in the Rain

A cattle egret. Bubulcus Ibis. The bird was a long way from his natural a parking lot in front of a Dollar Tree store. We had words.

"How come you're hanging out in town? Why aren't you out in some field?"

"Have you ever spent much time around cows and horses? I'm tellin's not pleasant."

"You mean the smell, or taking the risk of getting trampled?"

"It's not that dangerous. I'm really pretty nimble.'s 2 things. The you realize how many flies and other insects it takes to make out your meal? I'm tired of it...working all day for practically peanuts."

"So, that's why you're here in front of Dollar Tree?"

"Yeah...whatcha got in the bag?"

Another day of rain in Florida. I decided to pursue something indoors...going to see Tom Hanks in Captain Phillips. It was good, but very intense...and I'm not sure I would recommend it. (I'm glad it only cost me 2 dollars.)

It was strange (at 60 years old) being the youngest person in a packed theatre. I hate to ask this...but...WHERE DO ALL THESE OLD PEOPLE COME FROM?

Speaking of old the young-at-heart, happy birthday to both my wife Lisa, and my baby boy Jeff. (One of them is six decades old today...the other about half of that.)

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