
By Odofuran

PINK Party

First time someone has hired me to take pictures at their event, which added a whole new layer of pressure to try and get some nice shots out of it. Hope I got enough to make my friend think I was worth it. If nothing else it was some good practice.

I remember talking with one of my friends who does event photography often and one of the main points I remember is that it's important to talk and get to know the people at the party because you'll get a better picture with them. They'll be more comfortable and you'll be around them for more spontaneous moments, like this one. I was talking with this lovely lady for a bit during the night (a lot about her camera set up. Canon with a Sigma 30mm f1.4, which I was very jealous of) and was lucky enough to get a nice shot like this one. I'd like to get better speaking Japanese so I can get good photos of people who don't speak English, as I noticed that the photos I had mostly concentrated on the people who I was able to have a conversation with.

All in all, a good learning experience and one I hope I can build on in the future (whether I'm getting paid or not).

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