Central Station - tilt shift

Central Station

Another misspent day. The techniques challenge is proving to be just that, challenging. Today was “tilt shift”. Bobsbitz gave us a link to a website which takes your uploaded photo and produces a “tilt shift” effect. Igor reminded me that he has an in camera effect on his Fuji X10 so off I went with my camera and the Fuji to look for some suitable scenes. I’ve been peering over the edge of a lot of bridges today and even ventured up to the top of a multi-story car-park.

When I got back I spent a couple of hours learning how to create a “tilt shift” effect in Photoshop. I was quite pleased with the results of applying this to some of the pictures from my camera and pleased that I’d learnt a new Photoshop skill but in the end I chose this image taken by the Fuji.

The technique challenge is proving to be quite time consuming but I am learning new stuff which is what I was hoping for.

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