CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Safe Harbour?

Dundee Harbour lies in a very open stretch of the River Tay. It is subject to very strong winds as I discovered when I went to the Riverside. I parked in a narrow access road, tried to open the door which was impossible because of the strength of the wind. I turned the car round and opened the door, which was promptly whipped out of my hand and nearly came off it's hinges. Trying to close the door when outside was very difficult.

I imagine trying to man-oeuvre ships in such gales would be very difficult. The oil rig on the right is one of a succession which make their way to the Harbour to be repaired and re-fitted. I can't begin to imagine how hard it would be to move one of them in a gale.

For a couple of other views from the Riverside click here

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