Imperfection is ...........

........... what makes each of us unique!

Throughout our busy lives we often strive for perfection ....
whether it be in our bodies and faces (with diet, exercise, make-up, surgery),
in our appearance (expensive clothing, accessories),
in the workplace (overtime, taking on extra duties),
in our relationships, both friendship and sexual (I won't even go there!!! lol)

...... and, here on blip and in our photography - looking for just the right shot, making the best of it we can, photo-shopping, cloning out blemishes and unwanted bits and pieces when, in reality, often it's those little imperfections that make the photo "different".

This daisy came from the same bunch as yesterday's mono blip but is from a different stalk ...... I really liked the little, stunted petal that has failed to grow properly ....... it makes this daisy unique and gives it its own beauty.

I have learnt to live with my (many) imperfections ..... my Mum once said to me that I was "eccentric" - at first I felt a little upset and insulted but then I looked up its meaning:

"Departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern"

Some of the more complimentary synonyms (and there are some less complimentary ones, believe me):

outré, funky, funny, atypical, notable, out-there, extra-ordinary, quirky ......

She pointed out to me that, when I was a newly married teenager, and in an age when getting married and having children was the normal run of events, I made a conscious decision not to have them,
I didn't have "conventional jobs",
after my divorce in my early 30's I packed up everything in the UK on the strength of one phone call and, in the space of three weeks, moved to Germany (with no German language skills at all or even a job),
that most 60+ females do not ride motorcycles and head off to strange countries alone riding them for miles ...........

My life and I (like this little daisy) are far from perfect and now I am proud to be "eccentric" (thank you Mum) - it makes me the person that I am.

I hope you like this little imperfect daisy as much as her more perfect mono-cousin yesterday ..... thank you for all the compliments you paid her (and me) .... we are very flattered .... and very thankful to have friends like you.

Be proud of your imperfections, learn to love and make the most of them - they make you the unique person that YOU are.

NIKON D5200 : f/5 : 1/8" : 32mm : ISO 100

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