Snow girl photo shoot

So snow storms have names. This latest one is named Maximus. Which is what I decided to name my snow girl. Maximus starts with the letter "M"... "M" being the thirteenth letter of the alphabet is how we get our snow storm names, which also means it is our thirteenth snow storm of the season. Tonight we are expecting to get another storm, promising ice, sleet and snow on top of some 8 inches we received today. Very crazy winter we are experiencing. Needless to say people are freaking out. Snow plows are blocking already snow shoveled driveways, schools are closed, businesses are closed, no one can get anywhere easily. I have decided instead of freaking out I was going to start taking a different approach. I was going to enjoy the beauty and fun of the white stuff. Let it be known, I am not the one who has to do the shoveling, thank you husband and daughter of mine. And most of the time I don't have to be anywhere at any particular time, I work mostly at home, so dealing with the white stuff is much easier on me. With this being said, yesterday after the snowfall I played in the snow in the dusk hours with my daughter making a snow girl and doing a photo shoot. I dressed her in different antique garb of mine letting her borrow some of my favorite scarfs, hats, and pocketbooks. Never think yourself too old to make snow people and play in the snow. The crescent moon was shinning in the clear star filled sky above the snow covered trees. What fun we had, what beauty was seen.

Hey you gotta think of the cup half the positive way :) and we did just that...So, bring on the next snow storm, I'm ready for the beauty!

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