
By adamwray

What a mess

Today I decided to do some baking. How hard can it be, I thought? Well it was all going spiffingly well until I got to the icing sugar bit. I was making creme egg brownies, you see. No one told me that icing sugar explodes if you so much as look at it. I gave the kitchen a good dusting of whiteness and two hours later I had the end product. Probably shouldn't of taken that long, or that many bowls; as you can see! When 'the boss' returned home I was in trouble and I am now not allowed near any kitchen utensils unless under supervision. I didn't actually think I did too bad in the clean up effort... But apparently putting it in the dishwasher isn't cleaning up! 'Well it is' I hastily replied. 'Its not because who empties the dishwasher?' Well this is a fair point, but at least the dishes are clean... Hence the name, dish washer! Anyway as you can probably guess I didn't win the argument. I never do. Tasted good though.

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