The Value of Today

Day off . That is of the definition of day off is a hard training run with hills, unblocking drains, tidying through old letter and cards ( found this one from a friend - always makes me smile ) and sanding down book cases.

In the hours that I wasn't developing muscles and please god I don't end up like Fatima Whitbread I dealt with some low level dickheadery from someone I expected better from and remembered even dickheads teach us valuable lessons. Dealt with some chivalry from a stranger ,unexpected gifts of chocolate, and remembered chivalry also teaches us valuable lessons and makes us smile . Thank God there is more of the second than the first in this life

Booked nice time with friends. Applied for a new venture for my days off and revisited a really important book. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

We only have today and that's the day to take a deep breath, take those chances and dare greatly whether you win or lose.

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