
By Skyroad


I saw these guys at work in Denzille Lane. The building in the background is the old Hollis St Hospital, where Joyce set his interminable 'Oxen of the Sun' episode in Ulysses. More significantly, Iit's where our son was born nearly three years ago.

I was a little surprised at how old-fashioned this method seems. At first they were suspicious of what I was doing. One of them came over and I explained to him that I was photographing the marks they were making, not their faces. He was still suspicious, maybe even more so: "It's just two lines on a road", as if that fact might have escaped me. When he made a show of photographing my car reg with his phone I walked over and explained more fully, then showed him the images (again, the great advantage of digital!). Finally, he twigged I was some arty eejit, "a hundred percent harmless", and became friendly enough.

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