Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

How Does He Do That

Every day I am amazed, but some days I'm really overawed!!! (if there is such a word!)

One of my all time favourite texts is 'The Heavens declare the Glory of God' and today on this very ordinary Saturday GK and I sat beside the beach and watched as He worked on His heavenly canvas and created this incredible backdrop to the Burj Al Arab in all manner of different hues!!!....and that.....out of nothing!!!! No wonder I'm in awe!

The question do you explain such a vista to the likes of wee Albert who may never get to see the whole picture and mere words cannot adequately describe it.

Prior to this we'd been roaming the city, doing odd bits and pieces, and visiting Herr Kutt! The malls were mega busy so we headed for a major supermarket and en route home, landed up beside the beach in time to enjoy this spectacular sunset!!!! It took all of 5 mins to appear and disappear and no two seconds the same!!

It has to be my blip!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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