Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt

Eye of Sound

Another evening (avoiding) tidying the studio but finally it is done (with just a couple of files to sort through). I have a purge like this every couple of months or so and essentially the job involved going through piles of post-its referring to mixing notes written in some form of advanced cipher that now means absolutely nothing to me, and endless stacks of CDs with something like 'Mix 8' written on them.

During one of my many moments of procrastination, I found myself staring at a speaker (why not?) It was at this moment I realised that it was staring back at me. Not in some paranoid existentialist theory but after 15 years of working professionally with music I don't know why I have only just discovered that a speaker cone looks like an eye. The amateur scientist inside worked out a connection between light & sound and eye cones & speaker cones.

I'm now torn between being proud of this minor revelation and the reminder that after all is said and done - I'm just a geek. I'm comfortable with that.


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