The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Slopestyle Sunday

My near-neighbour Karen brought around a coffee walnut cake today, which I had begged her to make while lounging around in bed yesterday. I insisted on having loads of coffee in it, but still managed two slices!

Today I got up at 8 to watch the womens' slopestyle snowboarding. Britain's Jenny Jones won third place/Bronze medal, GB's first ever winter olympic medal on snow! Incredibly exciting, plus we got to see again the clip of the womens' curling win in 2002. I would like to say I'll be getting up at 5am tomorrow to watch the curling, but only in my dreams.

I did get up today but spent most of the time sport, eating cake, doing a puzzle, and attempting to feed the birds in between violent winds and hailstorms. At one point I put out some suet for the robin, because it can't manage the squirrel-proof feeder, only to turn round seconds later and find next door's cat, Starling, scoffing the suet!

My audiobook today is The Custom of the Country by Edith Wharton. It is totally irrelevant to my life today, being about a spoiled young woman who wants to get on in fashionable NY society, but harbours a terrible secret. Nonetheless, I am hooked, despite the slow pace and the unloveable protagonist.

I promise I will try harder with my blips. There has been too much still life and cake lately. Frankly, though, I am grateful to be safe, warm and alive, with added cake.

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