February Challenges: Day 9 ........

I is for In flight.

Technique: Freezing the action.

Before today I had no idea what freezing the action was, much less be able to do it! But with help from my better half (and much patience from him as well!) I was able to capture these gulls in-flight.

We headed to our favorite duck/goose watching spot along the Bushkill creek. When we got there we discovered it was very icy and I couldn't get out of the truck for fear of falling! So I sat in the truck with the door open while R risked life and limb to get the birds in motion. It was so icy that we almost got stuck and R had to put the truck in 4-wheel drive to get us out!

Once again I'd like to apologize for my lack of commenting. Since I started back to work it is all I can do to keep my own journal going ..... and I haven't even been very good at that! I know that's a poor excuse as most of you probably work 40, 50, 60 hours a week and still manage to maintain your journals AND keep up with comments. I will strive to be better ..... I promise.

I also want to thank you all for the wonderful, lovely comments you have left for me on all my blips so far this month. I'm sorry I haven't acknowledged each one individually.

I have back blipped starting here if you are interested.

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