Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

The Lovely Heartfreak

The lovely Heartfreak and I met up this morning for a mini blip meet. We talked non-stop for two hours and are meeting up again next week. It was a real pleasure having a like minded person to chat to about blipfoto and photography. I don't think a non-blipper really understands the addiction to blip and its community - do you???

Since returning home, the weather has turned really nasty and I believe we're in for a month's rain in 48 hours! Our conservatory, for the first time, has sprung a leak so it's buckets, pots and pans to catch the increasing number of drips.

Thank you all for sticking with me over the past week. I've turned my comments back on and will do my best to comment on your journals as and when I can.

Keep dry blippers


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