
By tookie

Engaged in sepia:)

Happy hump hearts Day !!! A couple days you see my friend Barbara and her man friend Ben. He gave her a ring today to signify that she was "his woman". He would really like to marry her, but it's complicated as she could lose benefits from a pension from her first husband who passed in 1989. Barb is happy with arrangements as they are. Ben....not so much but at least now feels if she wears this ring from him it means she is committed to him. He also brought her two big valentine cards, a box of dove candy, a cross necklace and a pair of earrings.

I just happened to stumble in on them so asked if they would like a portrait to commemorate the occasion. Barb has cataract surgery tomorrow on one eye and I was over dropping off some meals to help her out. Ben will stay overnight tonight and I hope tomorrow night. I am unable to stay overnight there as her cat is long haired and I'm unable to breathe very well if I stay there. I may volunteer to drive her to her next cataract surgery at the end of the month...anyhow they were pretty cute today. Good luck tomorrow Barb!

I put a color one of them in my blipfolio under the portrait section if you care to see that.

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