So today it was coffee time again, this time to meet Mary, a friend who is off to Australia soon, so I wanted to meet up with her before she went.

We had a good time catching up - but were very restrained and just had coffee but no cake! Mary has also suffered with arthritis in her thumbs, so it was good to speak to someone who understood about the pain and difficulty associated with this.

Normally the coffee comes in a glass, but today we had ours in a mug and imagine my surprise when I finished mine to see this smiley face in the bottom.

Life is sometimes like that, isn't it? We often go from day to day doing mundane tasks, but then we are surprised by just a little thing, which changes our outlook.

Mary and I go back quite a number of years to when our children were small and in March she will be visiting her daughter and son-in-law near Melbourne for 3 months - and also seeing her 2 year old grandson, so is getting very excited. I pray that she will have happy times with them especially in view of the difficult weather conditions over there, although her daughter says they are fine where they live.

There is so much extreme weather in the world at the moment and for many, there are no smiley faces. Mr. HCB and our next door neighbour were out in the dark last night, battling in high winds, rain, hail, thunder and lightning with a long length of fence that had been blown over and this morning they have made it all safe. Thankfully, no-one was hurt but our hearts go out to those whose homes have been flooded and who have lost their livelihoods because of the extreme weather, not only in this country but in various parts of the world.

Reminded me of the song by Nat King Cole, Smile. No-one else sings it quite like he does! We really could do with some sun shining through though and I'm sure we would all feel a little better!

Still being frugal with commenting, but thank you for your comments and kind words, which are very much appreciated.

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