
By dwalletta


Despite my best cajoling and wheedling, my lunchtime friend declined the chance of being my blip of the day. Even the promise of low lighting and soft focus couldn't persuade him.....perhaps he suspected mischief.

The journey home was marred by an apparently racist incident on the bus. The driver started an argument with two young women passengers, both of whom were black. Although the driver was well out of order, unfortunately the police officer who was called took his part, and the women were summarily chucked off the bus.

The only good thing about it was the support the women got from the rest of the passengers. Normally reticent Edinburgh citizens were vocal in showing their indignation. Handbags were drawn. Formal complaints have been lodged with Lothian Buses and Police Scotland.

Naturally, I took photos - there's one really good one of the driver giving me a one fingered salute. They're all with Police Scotland, pending an investigation. Much as I'd like to, I think I'd better exercise restraint and not blip them.

So today's photo is - my friend's tea cup.

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