
By Chaos

The Mighty Holga

What is a Holga?

A Holga is a plastic camera with a plastic lens made in China. It takes 120/220 film, color or B&W. It has two f stops, sun and clouds. It focuses poorly from one person to mountains. It leaks light. It shoots square 6X6 images!

For more, look here and here. For Holga mods, look here.

A Digital Holga?

Today I began building a digital Holga. Basically it is a Holga plastic lens on my Nikon digital SLR. It will focus. It will vignette. It will have a macro option. It will shoot square images! I'm working on the light leaks.

Tomorrow I will show you images and detail the build process with linked pictures. I can't show you the images now, I have to wait for the glue to dry on the build parts.

Edit: The glue is almost dry, can't wait. Here is a preview! Oh, btw, I read on the blipblog that assignments are becoming available, so here is the "shoot your neighbor" assignment with a digital Holga!

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