Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

The Tanneries

Guidance and tips for tourists visiting Marrakech number one.....

Find out where the Tanneries are and avoid it like the plague!

I think the last time I felt this nervous was probably when visiting either Reading or maybe Swindon to watch the Mighty Shots in the early 1980s when hooliganism was rife. Gary was having too much of a good time watching me outside my comfort zone to notice that we were falling for every trick in the Marrakesh mafia's guide for taking advantage of tourists. By the time we had worked it out, we were in the hands of the best salesman either of us had ever seen, and clearly it was way too late.

But the discomfort didn't end there as once we had disengaged from the carpet seller (which cost us 2 carpets), we still had to find our way back out of the Tanneries again.

Whilst good for blips, the place is best avoided.....

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