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By haylo53

Ana's Pumpkin Soup

My lovely and super talented soup maker friend Ana (her official title is the Official Zen Soupmeister Ana Banana Crema de la Mentha, but I'll just stick with Ana) left some pumpkin in our freezer before Christmas with the intention of making some sort of great pumpkin creation. Only problem is, she's now on the other side of the world in Patagonia and the soup doesn't seem to be making itself, so today was officially designated pumpkin soup day.

I tend to wing it with new recipes and always throw in different ingredients depending on what I have available, but I'll definitely make this one again. It was smooth and creamy with a great zing from the fresh ginger. Here's the... erm, recipe. Enjoy!

- 1 bag of frozen pumpkin. Somewhere between 500g-1kg. Ish. Only Ana knows for sure.
- 1 med onion
- A quarter of a good sized courgette, and then another decent chunk of it ('cause we all know the remainder is only going to end up dying a horrible death in the fridge, right?)
- A whallop* of ginger
- Salt pepper etc
- The remainder of a can of coconut milk I used to make a curry a few days ago

The result? Measuring is definitely overrated - it was awesome. Very tasty, especially when paired with a great multigrain baguette.

Thanks Ana!

*Chop enough ginger to make you wonder if it's going to be too strong, then add twice that amount. Like 1.5 tbsp or so.

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