Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon

More Sewing

This really isn't intended to be a sewing blog, but I can't help wanting to share the results of my work today: pajama pants for E and a skirt for A. E's pants are green, printed with little brown and white sock monkeys, because he loves both monkeys and the color green. A's skirt is an orange, yellow, and gold pattern that resembles fish scales - she chose it at the fabric store, with the explanation that it would make her look like a mermaid. Both items are very simple, with elastic waists - it was my first experience using elastic, which proved to be easy. I had enough leftover to make A a matching stretchy headband (not pictured).

I felt lucky to have been able to spend so many hours on this new hobby of mine today - the kids were, for the most part, content to play together in the playroom adjacent to the sewing room, and Ben had to do a few things remotely for work. We did go to church as a family and convene for meals, but otherwise we kind of all did our own activities, under one roof.

The skirt and pants are hanging on the latest addition to my sewing room - an organizer for patterns and fabric. We've had this organizer for a long time, to corral toys, but haven't been using it for a few months, so it got repurposed. The guest room has quickly become a full-fledged sewing room! We're having an overnight visitor next weekend, so I'm going to need to get around to clearing all the patterns and cutting materials off the bed!

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