Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Is Wally Immortal - You can Vote Here!

Every now and again and particularly it seems at Winter and Summer Olympic Games an athlete achieves the status of Immortal! No, not a champion, not a legend, not even a superstar, an athlete achieves Immortal status!

We truly believe that at 3.30pm EST Australia - at Wombat Hollow in the Blue Mountains Wally Wallaby jumped into the history books. For the first time in history Wally managed to jump into the Billabong (usually reserved for bird life) and with one almighty leap launched himself across the finish line in the epic Steeplechase event.

We're convinced but we're giving you the chance to vote! Bear in mind that in 13 years of living at Wombat Hollow we have never seen this amazing feat. What are the chances that Wally would turn up today! It was a million to one. We urge you to inspect this image in LARGE.

The only down side for Team OZ is that we really feel we may have peaked too early, with just on a week remaining, how can we possibly top this!!!! Please go to the Alternative Olympics Site to view some other outstanding achievements.

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