
By McZoo


They have arrived. I am over the moon excited. I love Girl Scout cookies. Eating them takes me back to childhood. Since I was a Girl Scout from kindergarten to the end of high school, I spent quite a lot of time selling these amazing treats. I remember delivering cases of them (much like this little girl's dad did today) and having a living room full of our troops cases of cookies. The profits raised by our troop's cookie sells were sometimes used to travel (once to Savannah, GA - the birthplace of girl scouting). I love hearing these stories from girls and even when there isn't a story to go along with the fundraising I love knowing that I'm supporting scouting. It is probably partially based in nostalgia, but I honestly believe that they are the best cookies on the face of the planet. Thin mints are my absolute favorites, which is why I ordered five boxes. You didn't really think ALL of these were mine did you? I have my mother's and a friend's as well. They also clearly LOVE Thin Mints.

So since I was off today (free day for shelf/COMAT studying.... Yay....). I was able to take some time to go have lunch with a good friend/ex-co-worker from my days at Six Flags. It's always good to catch up. His wife and daughters are awesome. He is always full of fun stories about what they're up to now. Since he's a firefighter and we were meeting in Lake Worth, it just made sense to eat lunch at Firehouse Subs. We both ordered meatball subs - great minds think alike. Got to hear some cool fire stories - historical and of watchful waiting for certain locations in his city. Strategies and Tactics course is suiting him quite well. I think he's really going to like this fire investigation path he is heading down. Lots of higher level puzzling out of things. Can't wait to hear how his course this coming month at my former EMS training center goes.

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