Games at Parc Choisy

This is a large park along the Avenue Choisy in Paris's 13th arrondissement, still part of Chinatown. The games you see are basketball (with fine chain-link nets, which I've never seen in the U.S.), and ping pong.

Despite our nearby apartment, we had never visited the park. It is wonderful, with at least two generous children's playgrounds (I was tempted to blip one, but pictures of young children are not allowed in Paris--except presumably for close-ups of friends). It was sunny all day, around 10° C (50° F), with no wind--just a superb Sunday.

We stopped at a moving memorial to the over 1i,000 Jewish children deported from France to Auschwitz during World War II. They included 36 from the 13th who were between 5 months and 6 years of age. They are listed by name and age, and passersby are asked to read their names as a remembrance. At the bottom of the memorial we are reminded "At that time public parks were forbidden to Jewish children." A reminder of our visit to the Mémorial de la Shoah two days ago.

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