Mictis profana

I love the name of this bug - it sounds like a pop group or something.

When in actual fact it is a crusader bug, getting ready to go and fight in the AOG bout being held just around the corner. I've never actually seen a crusader bug fight - but I can just imagine it. They wave those red-tipped antennae around, and anything can happen, and usually does, especially since they can give off a foul smell if they are really upset.

That's why no-one actually watches the bouts - it smells really bad.

Get closer

Now, thanks so much for the amazing support for the MonoMonday challenge. I really do appreciate all those stunning mono pictures that are being posted week after week. Many of them get into the Spotlight, which is an added bonus. The easiest way to check them out is to go through my list for yesterday.

IF I HAVE MISSED YOU, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN A COMMENT - my apologies, and I'll add you to the list.

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