Poor Biscuit.

I have taken the day off today as we noticed a while ago, that Biscuit had built up a lot of tartar in one side of his mouth and nothing in the other side, which indicate that he only uses one side of his mouth to chew his food. He had a vet appointment this morning to have his teeth cleaned, in an attempt to find the reason. Oh yes, we did find the reason! Biscuit has split one of the big premolars/molars (not sure which - it is the biggest tooth he has) in his upper jaw and it needs to be surgically removed. It is split all the way up through the root and it must be extremely painful. Poor little man. He now has another vet appointment on Friday, which will be a rather big operation to get the broken tooth out.

Until then he is on painkillers. He is fast asleep now though – still sedated from the examination today.

We were at the vets at 9.20 am and before that we went for a good long walk with all 3 dogs, in the hope that Beat and Hero will cope with a quiet and give Biscuit a chance to recover from his tough morning.

I really don’t like it, when my dogs are put under anesthesia – and I am even more worried now, after Bridie was rushed to the emergency vet last year as she couldn’t wake up from it and nearly died. I talked to my vet about it and he was very nice. He gave me his home phone number, so I can ring him, if something should go wrong tonight.

And I have talked to the boys’ health insurance and yes, they do cover injuries to the teeth! Phew!

Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for Biscuit today and for a successful operation on Friday.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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